Compare Thumbnails Help
Update the comparison preview
The comparison preview should automatically update upon editing an input field. If it doesn't, you can press the Compare Thumbnails button to update it with the most recent input fields.
Switch between using uploaded avatar and avatar link
If you want to use an uploaded avatar instead of an avatar link, make sure the Avatar URL field is empty. You will know its empty when it says in dim text.
If you want to use an avatar link instead of an uploaded avatar, just paste your link in the Avatar URL field and it will take priority over any uploaded avatars.
Saving your inputs
All inputs, except for uploaded files, are saved whenever the comment preview updates. This means they will automatically load in when you visit the page in the future.
This does not occur for uploaded files, however. If you want to retain your avatar, we recommend using a link instead.
Clear saved inputs
You can clear your saved inputs by clearing the localStorage on our website via your browser.